Metrics 2021 ASIS&T SIG/MET Workshop sponsored by Elsevier
Part I: Saturday, October 23, 2021, 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT
Part II: Sunday, October 24, 2021, 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT
The ASIS&T Special Interest Group for Metrics (SIG/MET) invites contributions to the METRICS 2021 workshop, which will be held prior to the 84th ASIS&T Annual Meeting.
The workshop continues the successful SIG/MET workshop series held annually since 2011 by providing an opportunity to present and discuss research in the fields of informetrics, scientometrics, bibliometrics, altmetrics, quantitative science studies, and information retrieval among experienced researchers, young academics, and practitioners. We invite abstracts describing empirical or theoretical work related, but not limited to:
- New indicators and methods and tools
- Scholarly communication
- Social media metrics (altmetrics)
- Bibliometric-enhanced information retrieval
- Open access, open science
- Patent analysis
- Research evaluation
The following four types of submission are accepted:
- Research presentations, for completed or in-progress research.
- Posters for work in early stages or best presented visually.
- Tutorials for practical information on a tool or method.
- Panels for discussions on a specific topic.
Please indicate the type of submission by naming the file in the following format: Metrics21_FirstAuthorLastName_SubmissionType (Presentation, Poster, Tutorial, Panel). All submissions should be in the form of a two-page extended abstract using APA style. Where appropriate, up to three figures/tables can be provided. Do not include any author names on the file you upload.
The abstracts of accepted papers and posters, as well as the presentation slides, will be published on figshare ( Figshare allocates DOIs to uploaded content and each publication will be linked from the SIG/MET website to enhance visibility and retrievability of presented research.
The accepted papers could be published in a dedicated issue of the journal Data Science and Informetrics (DSI). An extended version (at least 6 pages excluding the reference) of the accepted paper should be submitted to DSI if author(s) choose this option.
Please submit your abstract as a PDF at
Submissions will be evaluated based on their relevance to the workshop and their methodological soundness (where applicable), and brief feedback will be given in narrative format.
The best paper will be selected by a committee from all accepted (first author as a non-student) workshop papers regardless of their topic.
For the best student paper, the first author of the paper entered into this contest must be a full-time student at the time of submission, irrespective of ASIS&T or SIG/MET membership.
NOTE: If you are eligible and would like to be considered for the student paper award, please indicate (student) on the name of the file as Metrics21_FirstAuthorLastName_SubmissionType(student) , even if the co-authors are non-student.
The winners of both awards will be decided by a double-blind peer review process from the accepted submissions. The awards will be decided before presentations take place, but the authors must present at the workshop to qualify.
- Submissions due: August 17, 2021
- Notifications: September 15, 2021
- Workshop: October 23–24, 2021, 8:00am – 12:00pm EDT
- Fei Shu, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China
- Email :
- Pei-Ying Chen, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
- Email:
- Shenmeng Xu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA
- Email :