Member Spotlight

Dr. John Budd
In the latest member spotlight, we spotlight long time member Dr. John Budd
What attracted you to information science as a profession and field of study?
I earned degrees where I focused on American literature and started to do some enquiry into further graduate study. Library and information science appeared to offer me both a chance to use the knowledge I'd acquired, plus to explore the world of information. I immediately became fascinated by the world of scholarly communication (with its strengths and foibles).
In what area of information science do you practice, teach or do research? What about that area of practice/study made you choose it?
I have been continuously drawn to scholarly communication (particularly economics and the things that can go wrong in the communication process). I also have a penchant for the philosophical side of libraries and information and have taught and researched in these areas.
Why did you join ASIS&T and what does your membership in ASIS&T do for you?
ASIS&T is a natural home; I've been a member for a number of years. I always learn from the Annual Meetings and my colleagues, and from the Journal. The connections I have made have been especially valuable and rewarding. I am now involved with the mentorship program; I hope to give something back to the field and to developing scholars.
What advice would you give to young people contemplating information science as a potential profession or field of study?
Do attend Annual Meetings whenever possible. Do not fear talking to people; senior members will almost always make time to give advice to their junior colleagues. Ask questions, tell people about your work. You never know where you'll find a collaborator from whom you can learn.
What do you think will be the biggest challenge for those working in information science in the next decade?
Money is a big challenge. This is true when it comes to funding for research and for travel to meetings. When it comes to the world of information, a challenge that persists is the human use of communicative action and knowledge. Understanding the cognitive processes of people seeking to become informed will remain a fascinating and fruitful area.
Nominate Someone
ASIS&T turns the spotlight on members to highlight how they are making a difference and how they have benefited from ASIS&T membership. It offers an opportunity for you to share your story with your colleagues, inspire future information science professionals, and strengthen awareness of the profession and association. To nominate another member or yourself, submit your nomination here.