Call for Board Nominations: Gain Professional Skills and Work with Amazing People
We are now accepting nominations for board positions for our regional chapter. Terms run from October of this year to next year. You do not need to live in Boston to participate; virtual participation is welcome. This is a great way to gain professional skills, work with amazing people, and network widely.
Below is a brief description of each board role. If you have any questions or if you would like to nominate yourself or an interested colleague, please reach out to Voting will happen in September.
Chair-elect (2 year commitment)
The Chair-elect, who automatically becomes Chair in the following year, works collaboratively with the Chair in planning and executing NEASIST programs and serves as the Alternate Chapter Representative to the Assembly. The Chair-elect will assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chair in the event of the Chair’s absence, resignation or removal from office. The Chair-elect assumes the primary responsibility for leading the Program Committee in planning the chapter's programs during the year. As Chair, this officer leads the New England chapter and the board, holding quarterly board meetings and setting the strategic direction for the chapter. If you are interested in building project management skills, this is the position for you!
Secretary (1 year commitment)
The Secretary keeps records of all meetings and correspondence to members and assists in making logistical arrangements for meetings and activities. S/he also maintains the internal documentation for both the Board and the Program Committee. If you are organized and have a knack for synthesizing multiple perspectives into a coherent narrative, this is the position for you!
Treasurer (1 year commitment)
The Treasurer keeps records of all income and expenditures and must be aware of Society policies regarding chapter finances and expenses. This officer prepares and submits the chapter's quarterly and annual reports and receives/reviews the chapter's financial statements. If you are organized and would like to gain financial management experience, this is the position for you!
Membership and Outreach Coordinator (1 year commitment)
The Membership and Outreach Coordinator carries out one of the most important functions of the chapter: communicating with members. This officer should be in regular contact with the membership to share and solicit information for the listserv, relevant social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, Meetup, and Eventbrite), the NEASIST blog and newsletter, in collaboration with the Webmaster. The Membership and Outreach Coordinator also prepares regular reports on current chapter membership. If you have strong communication skills and are motivated to get others involved in NEASIST, this is the position for you!
Webmaster (1 year commitment)
The Webmaster is responsible for managing the chapter's website. This officer should update the site content, create pages, and post announcements as requested by the Board and the Program Committee. Other responsibilities might include the proposal and implementation of new website features, and the management of outreach tools in collaboration with the Membership and Outreach Coordinator. If you have basic web development skills and an inclination toward quality control and consistency, this is the position for you!