News about President-elect Lynn Silpigni Connaway!
ASIS&T members always have so many exciting things going on, and our President-elect is no exception!
Dr. Lynn Silpigni Connaway, a Senior Research Scientist at OCLC, has two exciting talks coming up soon:
- Today, March 15, she will be giving a talk at the Vatican! Her talk is called “‘It’s so easy – Internet, Google’: Positioning the library into the life of the user.”
- On Thursday, March 18, she is giving a keynote address at the 2016 Bibliostar conference in Milan, Italy. Here is the abstract, from the press release at
Dr. Lynn Silpigni Connaway
Dr. Connaway and others have conducted research in our User Studies theme that brings to light the need for libraries to become embedded in the lifestyles of their users and potential users, especially in an environment where libraries are only one among many places to get information. In the session, Dr. Connaway will highlight user studies research completed during the past 12 years and summarize a recent report that builds on findings from this work to emphasize the need for libraries to develop a plan for integrating the library into the life of the user. This ongoing research provides the library community with behavioral evidence about individuals’ perceptions, habits, and requirements. In turn, this evidence can support the efforts of libraries to design services around user expectations that have been influenced by consumer technologies and evolving research and learning environments.
Have safe and successful travels to these amazing events, Lynn!