EPSRC PhD scholarships within the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Manchester
Expressions of interest are sought from UK/EU students for EPSRC PhD scholarships within the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Manchester; tenable within the University’s Centre for Development Informatics.
ICT4D topics within priority areas of relevance could include:
- Digital enterprises and business models in developing countries
- Other “development 2.0” models: users as digital producers, the power of the crowd, digital participation, new (e.g. peer/disintermediated) network structures
- New forms of data (esp. big data, real-time data) and international development
- ICTs and community/systems resilience in developing countries
Expressions of interest are sought by Friday 8th January 2016.
Details of EoI process and further information at: http://bit.ly/EPSRC16